Anne, this is a very simple to do recipe, but please, don't tell anyone, I've been bragging about how good one must be around kitchen to be able to pull this off. And always ask for large compensation from anyone trying this amazing cookie :)
To make the dough add in a large boll:
- 1 cup oil (apx 150 ml)
- 1 cup of sugar
- half of cup sparkling water (mineral water)
- 1 teaspoon vinegar extinguished with 1 teaspoon baking powder
- apx 400 grams of plain flower to start with. The dough may require some more flower.

On the working table put some baking paper, sprinkle some flower and begin to stretch first ball of dough to the size of the tray. Transfer it into the greased and flowered tray. Make the second sheet that you'll use after placing the apple filling.

Place the apple filling and cover with the second sheet. Because the dough is crumbling you'll understand why it is necessary to make the sheet on the baking paper...

Sprinkle a white coat of powered sugar and cut into peaces after 15 minutes. Serve to Richard and tell'im I want to share a pint.
See u.